Feb 2013 Students

Feb 2013 Students
Diploma awards

Friday, 9 March 2012

Why is our training different

Having been a trainer for 2 other hypnotherapy-training organisations on reflection the training offered was very theoretical and offered no real practical element.

Hypnotherapy is a practical occupation. Courses crammed with superfluous knowledge, which will not be used, do not prepare you for the real world. Lengthy courses are usually repetitive in that the theory provided to extend the training hours lets you believe you are getting more.

Quality not quantity is the key.

In the real world of running a practise you run it like a business in order to generate income and enhance your skills.

Having worked in the business since 1989 and with thousands of hours under my belt I can tell you clients use hypnotherapy 90% in the main for the following:

Weight loss


Stop smoking

You can of course venture into other areas as I have done such a sports and business skills (public speaking, goal achievement)

So we concentrate on what people use hypnotherapy for and help you obtain real practical knowledge in order to achieve results.

Not just brush over it so we can upsell you some CPD a later date.

People use hypnotherapy for the 3 areas described above as the more psychological type of work goes elsewhere although if that fails I have found that they turn to hypnotherapy as a last resort. We do not train you to be jack-of-all-trades master of none.

We offer a course which is easy to understand the benefits of.

We do not confuse you with different types of Diploma, Master Diploma ,Super  Master Diploma etc. As offered by  Chief international executive leaders, running their "Academies".

At wellerassociates we offer 3 months post diploma support at no extra cost to help you establish yourself

We focus on the key skill of helping someone really relax with you. This is understated but essential. With out this you have nothing, as you cannot help a client achieve trance state. Therefore you cannot access the subconscious.

We refer this as master/mistress of the 60 minutes as that is the time you have with a client during session.

What works is a good solid basic diploma, which prepares you for the real work of running a hypnotherapy practise

For more details please refer to the training site http://training.wellerassociates.co.uk/