Feb 2013 Students

Feb 2013 Students
Diploma awards

Friday, 28 October 2011

Wellerassociates training online NLP Certificate

The wellerassociates training NLP certificate will consist of;

Intro to NLP,Representational systems,Eye Accessing Cues,Calibration,Anchors
Future Pacing,Pacing and Leading,Rapport Building,Body Language,Swish,Meta Language patterns

This online course will help you build rapport building and self understanding of yourself and others.How to gain confidence in life and the business world.

Also for anybody considering a career in the caring/therapy professions.

The course content is a mix of personal study,practical exercises with online coaching and back up.

This downloadable programme will allow you to study at your own pace.You will also have access to own fully qualified tutor as well.So you are in control.

We are offering this award for only £250 (Free if you make a purchase from hypnotictracks)

If you wish to train further with us and receive the full wellerassociates Hypnotherapy/NLP diploma/CBT certifiacte award we will discount the price (£250).

For full details on the course please go to http://training.wellerassociates.co.uk

If you have any questions please email us at sam@wellerassociates.co.uk

”This course is an Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which is ideal for anyone that wants to learn about NLP and do a fun and informative course that offers them self development".

Sam Weller SQHP (GHR) Principal wellerassociates training

NB please note the 2 free tracks which are part of the course are only applicable if you have paid  the full course fee of £250.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Hypnotherapy sessions what happens?

Before a sessions starts a terms of business is sent to the client after the client has booked in. This confirms everything that has been discussed in writing and includes the number of sessions, payment options and directions to which practise they have chosen.

Once the client has arrived every effort is made to make them as comfortable as possible. Physical and mental relaxation being key. Comfy chairs being the order of the day.

After a fact find is conducted the induction starts.

Before any induction a very thorough explanation is given as to what hypnosis is and more importantly what it is not. Stage shows and films have shaped many attitudes, with the evil hypnotist controlling the person who is in their presence, invariably wearing black robes, with bloodshot eyes, and a slightly constipated look.

Once a client has been through the induction and programming /uncovering work a full explanation is given around the techniques employed. I refer to this as the debrief.

Feedback is important so that a person understands that they have engaged trance state.

It is an educational process and we both work as team to get the best possible result that a client is paying you for.

As each session progresses a client becomes more relaxed and free-fall relaxation often occurs. They do on "the drift" whereby the analytical conscious side of the mind is more relaxed, so the subconscious mind is open for positive powerful and beneficial suggestions. Results are everything.

Over the years I have been asked some strange questions including,” will I have an out off body experience”?

Or "will I astral travel"?
Such occurrences are well beyond my capabilities.